Sunday 25 November 2007

Not quite the Secret Seven.

I've always been in two minds about keeping a journal.  On the one hand, because I keep a copy on my hard drive, it really is the nearest to a diary I've ever managed to maintain for more than the 3 weeks when I got a locked diary for my 8th birthday so in that sense it will I hope be an aide memoire in years to come.  BTW, when I was 8 I tended to say, every day, "went to school, didn't eat my cabbage, it rained" But I also wonder whether having a public journal, even tho I keep fairly quiet about it, isn't actually a bit egocentric.
Lately I've been spending time looking at all the journals on nablopomo and I have read so many entries by the really brave, the really adventurous and the really philosophical that I cannot help but forcefully realise how very dull my blog must be to people who don't know me - and doubtless even more so to those who do! 
I've also read countless entries by people just noting their everyday lives, humdrum domesticity and the doings of families and as their entries mount up I've got a sense of them as personalities.  I've even, in my head, taken sides in their family bickerings tho I have yet to email any of them and put them right  LOL.  
As I read these entries it's occurred to me to give that a try.  So while I have my doubts that any of my select group of regular readers (ie all 5 or 6 of you <g>) will be fascinated to know what I've cooked for dinner, what I've bought in the shops, what my kids have said on the phone, the multifareous ways in which my husband winds me up...  I'm going to give it a go.  But not quite yet.
For now I'm going to do what almost everyone in nablopomo is currently doing - giving 7 weird random facts about myself:
1. Whenever I see a large weed I am impelled to pull it out.  It doesn't matter where it is, private garden or public planting, or whether people are looking -- if I see a large groundsel or a sycamore seedling or anything else which ought not to be there then out it has to come. 
2. I pick the jelly out of pork pies and leave it on my plate.
3. My toe nails are always varnished, winter and summer alike.
4. My first husband has had a canal barge built and intends to live on it once it's fitted out.
5. I can become accustomed to squalor almost at the speed of light.
6. My elder brother was killed while riding my new bike.
7. I was once engaged to an American.
Well, that's it for now.  Tomorrow, or sometime fairly soon, I intend to regale you all with sidesplitting and/or heartrending tales of the daily grind chez nous.  I bet you can't wait! 


Anonymous said...

I think much the same about journal keeping

what is : nablopomo

Anonymous said...

I have read you journal right from when you first advised against giving out too much info ,in my first entry ,dont always comment ,but appreciate lots of what you said ,often read nablopomo ,since you flagged it up keep up the good work Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I think my journal is rather dull...I started it to keep a written record of what was happening at the time with youngest...Because both me and my GP were fed up of the officious clinical psychologist we were seeing at the time...It had got to the stage where my GP told me OFF THE RECORD that if it was him he'd be contacting his MSP and MP...We did get rid of her though :o) My journal has been private since earlier this year due to K's rather nasty housemates finding it and reading it...I found then i had more readers than i thought because i got emails asking where my blog had gone...Not everyone comments so you may have more than you think...BTW i also pick the jelly out of pork pies and leave it on the plate and i too can become accustomed to squalor pretty quickly...Mind you living with two teenage boys you don't often have much choice LOL

Anonymous said...

You were once engaged to an American?   An Air Force man perhaps??