Tuesday 3 July 2007

A plea from the heart.

I have a mix of visitors, 4 adults and 4 children, coming to stay from Thursday evening until Monday late afternoon.  In the party is one person who has a very serious allergy to egg and cannot under any circumstances have even a trace of egg without needing to go to hospital, one who has an intolerance to all dairy which causes vomiting and a rash, and 4 who are very very strict vegetarians.  3 of the children are forbidden all nuts and all 4 are forbidden sugar and salt.
I'm thanking my lucky stars that the one with dairy intolerance has grown out of her wheat intolerance, else it would all be totally intolerable.
So, any ideas for 4 lunch and 4 dinner menus for that lot?
No?  You don't know how lucky you are that you needn't give a damn <g>


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

salads! Laine x

Anonymous said...

LOL, unsweetened/unsalted porridge and vegetarian salads.  I wish Sainsers stocked monosodium glutamate! <g>

Anonymous said...

Oh I dont envy you ,lets know how it goes ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

vegan ready meals LOL...No eggs should be easy enough...My youngest lad has never grown out of his lactose intolerance but he's used to it and we get by no problems when elsewhere...BAsically if someone puts something in front of him that contains milk he will put his hand over the plate to stop them...You could always ask them what you can actually buy in for them to eat...Or feed them fresh veg from your garden, strawberries and not a lot else...Really don't envy you at all...Dairy intolernace does she use soya milk or goats milk instead??? That's the usual for those who are dairy intolerant and it's not too hard to find soya milk or soya milk products in supermarkets now

Anonymous said...

That will to be difficult 4 days for you, yikes!!

Anonymous said...

Dairy intolernace does she use soya milk or goats milk instead??? ....

Rice 'milk' yeurgggggh

Anonymous said...

rice milk =excellent