Wednesday, 31 May 2006

Morning has broken....

When the weather is fine and the wind not too strong I like to start my day with a cup of coffee on the patio at the rear of the house which is exactly what I did this morning at 7.00am.  The views are lovely any time of the year but right now they're wonderful.

The grass garden was made two years ago on the site of an old chicken house and I've put lots of both siberian and bearded irises in alongside the grasses, one of which I grew from seed filched from the lakeside grass garden in Toronto.

Another view which just misses the summer house is across Harry's field to David Davies's copse, which is full of bluebells and baby rabbits at this time of year.  Usually Harry has a maize crop in this field which he sells to the nearby race horse stud farm for winter fodder.

Finally, a pic of the Welsh ponies in my paddock.  A neighbour owns these and many more ponies and he breeds and shows them.  The chestnut with black mane and tail is a stallion and he's currently serving - or trying to - two of these mares, having sorted the others out earlier.  I was lucky to get a shot of him looking presentable because he's almost permanently chancing his arm.  <g>

When I was a little girl buttercups were almost the only wildflower my mother would let me pick and it may be a bit infantile of me but I'm just thrilled to have so many growing on my own paddock


Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures of beautiful countryside. Been a lovely day up here in Scotland as well been sitting out with my book most of the afternoon. Take Care Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

What a delightful entry,your views,as you drink your morning coffee are just wonderful ...........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

you could sit out at 7am...................shee lucky you!!
Lovely loverly view do you  do B&B?