It's possible to have happiness without being content, it's possible to have joy without being happy, it's possible to be content whilst not having either happiness or joy. Happiness is the only one to allow gradations; you either have or don't have the other two.
I wonder which combo imbues life with more satisfaction. Answers on the back of a postcard

being content is the best I think??
being content is the best I think?? ....... posits Stuart
Don't you think that to say one is content implies that one has come to terms with not achieving what one's real desire? It also means the cessation of struggle and it seems to me that it's only in struggle that one can experience happiness, albeit a happiness truncated by the need for the struggle to go on.
nope I don't agree, well I agree with you in so far as whnat you say is correct but that's not what I meant by content.
You know life is a constant struggle for me.
But I am content. At peace with myself and my situation.
Content is not the same as being still.
St Paul said the great secret is to be content with whatver sitation you find yourself in, over which you have no control
St Paul said the great secret is to be content with whatver sitation you find yourself in, over which you have no control..........
I guess that would depend on whether you were servant or slave, no? What I mean is that it sounds spot on, but on the other hand it also sounds like an injunction to accept the status quo.
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