Why can we no longer take our dogs into a shop? In the case of cake shops, and any shop displaying uncovered foods, not allowing animals inside is perhaps understandable but hardware shops? Does a dog looking at a lumphammer or a shelf full of lightbulbs damage them or make them unsaleable? Why are there no hooks for tying dog leads to outside shops these days?
And I hate to seem uncaring here, but if my dog is unhygienic in a cake shop, why aren't guide dogs similarly unhygienic - or is it that no dogs on the far side of a glass screen create hygiene problems but that the dimndumma government which introduced this regulation either thought it seemed more 'caring' to ban dogs or that it's okay for a cake consumer to catch some dire dog-related disease - as long as it's caught from a guide dog?
LOL, I'm such a cheery bunny aren't I?

Hi cheery bunny, I once picked up a little Jack Russel I had, and went in to buy a pkt of ciggys from the front of the corner shop,an elderly lady customer informed me ,you cant bring that dog in here ,yes I can its a guide dog says I, no its not says she ,,Why, what sort have they given me ?......Jan xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jeadie05/Serendipity/
You can tablets for your condition I think???
I'm in defence of guide dogs Fairy, sorry. I'd ask at the shop why there was no provision for other dogs to be fastened outside.........but I wouldn't take mine shopping anyway, if I had one, which I don't. Rache
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