Wednesday, 24 May 2006

Holy Bones!

I'm one of these DaVinci afficionados that the culture pundits appear to think are dim n dumma but I find it a fascinating theory - so much so that since reading the book when it first came out I've also read 'The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail' which was a source book for Dan Brown and also the subject of the recent court case alleging plagiarism, and I'm about to get stuck into 'The Gnostic Gospels'.  Expect some unusual quotes <g>

I went to the cinema to see the DaVinci film on Sunday regardless of the bad reviews it's received from critics.  In my opinion, the film was a drastic oversimplification of the book and lost much thereby, and truth to tell Tom Hank's acting was a bit wooden altho a kinder person might say it was 'restrained'.  Nevertheless I enjoyed it and don't think people should be put off by what they read in the media.

The Booker Prize demonstrates, imo, the value of professional literary judgements :O) 


Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping an open mind and reviewing it for us ,Ireally want to see it now ,I have the book maybe thats where to start .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing the movie when it comes out on DVD (can't hear well enough for the cinima) read the book a while back and could not put it down. Love Joan