Saturday, 9 February 2008

Fire me up

Two men have raised my blood pressure this week.  One is Rowan Williams, the ArchBish of Canterbury who appears to think that it's okay for British Muslim women and children to be subjected, in this country,  to Sharia family law on divorce and custody.  Apart from the way that Sharia subjugates women Williams doesn't seem to take account of the iniquities and inequities of running two very different legal systems in one country.  Furthermore, given the large proportion of British Muslims who think that fundamentalist Islamic terrorists have good cause for their violence, it appears to have escaped him that once Sharia has a foothold inside the British jurisprudence system they'll not stop at family law.  If religious groups are allowed to opt out of British justice, then what argument could possibly hold sway against wholesale Sharia come the day that a whole region becomes predominantly Muslim?  I know it's over-egging it, but he's pointing the way to future stonings of raped women in Oldham.
This man is supposedly the spiritual leader of the Anglican church, the established religion of this country - he's not the spiritual leader of Islam, and nor is he supposed to campaign for Sharia. 
The other man to stir me up a tad has been DCI Gene Hunt. 
I know he's a crude and totally unreconstructed chauvinist but really, you would, wouldn't you? 
Fire up the Quattro? Oh yes please Gene. 


Anonymous said...

Watching the news tonight people are calling for The Arch Bishop to retire Jan xx

Anonymous said...

May be he will retire!

Anonymous said...

Deffo agree with the last paragraph.

Anonymous said...

See that the archbish is trying to backtrack as quick as a politician...What a plank he seems to be, no offence to any C of E readers or yourself...Wonder what our Moderator of the Kirk thinks, i seriously doubt she is for any kind of sharia law being female...I didn't watch Life on Mars as such but i watched Ashes to Ashes on sunday...So wish i had watched Life on Mars now because yes i defo would <g>

Anonymous said...

You should do what they have done in Australia:  "Either assimilate, or get out!!"

Anonymous said...

know he's a crude and totally unreconstructed chauvinist but really, you would, wouldn't you?  
Fire up the Quattro? Oh yes please Gene.  

Hmmm Now can you not see the resemblance of Nickie G in the pic of your tasty geezer?   I did at once.

Anonymous said...

Lilpooh said:
Hmmm Now can you not see the resemblance of Nickie G in the pic of your tasty geezer?   I did at once.

At risk of sounding like a High Court Judge, who on earth is Nickie G?

Anonymous said...

At risk of sounding like a High Court Judge, who on earth is Nickie G?

Our very own  ...drum rolllllll
Nick Griffin.....Now look again at the pic

Of this bishop geezer and his penchant for Sharia law...This just aint on....not their sort anyway re their attitude to females....Jewish peeps have the Kosher food  laws for their religions diet...they also have the berthdin for saying yeah ya are divorced or not...
methinks this bishop geezer is in early or even latter stages of cement denture  I mean senile dementure....he should be thrashed and whipped  and stoned from our Holy grounds.....then see how he likes sharia law.