Friday, 22 February 2008

More ArchBish ramblings

Dr Williams also spoke about the row over his remarks concerning sharia law.

He said that some of the ways in which Islamic sharia law was practised were "appalling" and the way the system was applied to women in countries such as Saudi Arabia was "grim".

"What I was trying to say the other day is that sharia law is a very, very wide-ranging scheme of legal understanding within historic Islam.

"In some of the ways it has been codified and practised across the world, it has been appalling and applied to women in places like Saudi Arabia, it is grim."

But judging sharia law on that basis would be like judging Christianity on a couple of chapters of the Old Testament, he added.

BBC News

So now Williams thinks that the presence of some bloodthirsty strictures in a historical pre-Christian text are in some way analogous to the present day actual abuse of women under Sharia. 
The way his mind is going he'll be comparing Sharia to 'Sharpe's Sword' next. 
Perhaps someone should tell him that Jesus Christ turned many of those pre-Christian Biblical attitudes on their heads - and that those are the values he's supposed to be upholding and promoting.

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