Someone today posted a reply to an entry made 4 years ago (!!) to my old blog, and he asks re this entry C&P'd below:
I know this is not answering the question asked but I was just looking at the PHI number and how you’re meant to be able to make PHI by measuring distance from head to flood and dividing by belly button to floor. I have tried this and other one’s but the most common number I get is 1.6666666666666666666666666666667 could anyone tell me. How come? Am I just miss measuring every time? Look forward to your replies.
A mystery to ponder : "Another mystery to ponder - the number PHI - the Divine Proportion - 1.618 - the most beautiful and complete number in the universe. Not heard of it? Well, you're a walking testament to PHI.
Nautilus shells - the ratio of each spiral's diameter to the next is - 1.618
The rotational diameter of each spiral of sunflower seeds - 1.618
Pinecone petal diameters - 1.618
Insect body segmentations - 1.618
The organisational structure of Beethoven's 5th - 1.618
The placement of F holes on all Stradivarius' violins - 1.618
Da Vinci's Petruvian Man - 1.618
The Parthenon, the Egyptian Pyramids, Bartok, Debussy - all conform to PHI
Measure your height from top of head to floor - now measure from your navel to the floor - 1.618
Hip to floor divided by knee to floor - 1.618
Shoulder to fingertips divided by elbow to fingertips - 1.618
Finger joints, toes, spinal divisions - 1.618
Can the ubiquity of the Divine Proportion be a mere happenstance or does it demonstrate a universal cohesive? What do YOU think it indicates?"
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