It has been quite a time since I last posted here for two reasons - my life has simply been trundling on its usual course with nothing outstanding happening and I've been constantly busy with the garden and have been knackered in the evenings.
But, as it's soccer on TV yet again I've decided to bore you all anyways <g>
This time of year is choc a bloc full of small momentary pleasures for people like me who spend most of their days outdoors - a couple of examples; I was grubbing around weeding my <too large beds> of strawberry plants when I heard a 'whoooshing' sound. I looked up and 3 swans were flying directly overhead about 50' above me, a startling white vision of pristine perfection against the blue sky. Beautiful.
Last week I sorted out all my leftover seeds from last year's effort to turn the orchard into a wildflower patch and I collected a fair old pile of corncockle, corn marigold, blue cornflowers, Californian, opium ,Welsh and Icelandic poppy seeds and I decided to chuck them on a very stony piece of ground at the back of my polytunnel in hopes that they might flower later this summer. Since then that patch of ground has become the restaurant of choice for a small flock <it's actually called a 'charm'> of goldfinches, so instead of flowers I've got birds that are as pretty as flowers.
I have two young fillies in my paddock who are inseparable. They are never more than 20' from each other and for the first time I've watched something I never knew happened - ponies using their teeth to 'groom' each other. My paddock is a mottled patchwork made up of greensward, buttercups and mats of white hair where the ponies have rolled and the birds are constantly up and down, taking the horsehair for their nests.
In the meantime, my irises and massive headed blue firework alliums are gorgeous and the rhododendrons are splendid if vulgar. My peas and French beans and red and white onions, my leeks and courgettes, carrots, beetroot, parsnips and pumpkins are all sprouting and standing like little soldiers in formation, and the polytunnel is packed with tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, aubergine, sweetcorn and small flowering plants waiting to be put out and my courtyard is once again a health and safety issue as I take up most of the space with ever more tubs and baskets.
And I still have to keep half an acre of grass cut. Do you wonder I'm knackered?
now that's a passion I can't match! I envy you - such energy and of course weather.
Gosh!! 24 hours just isn't enough time in a day, you well deserve a pat on the shoulder. Nice to sit there in the evening though with a cool liquid, and just admire everything growing. Would have loved to have seen the swans. My carrots are more like an overcrowded bus!!! not soldiers at all sigh!! Rache
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