Monday, 5 May 2008

Wildlife grrrrrr :O)

I've spent today working like a Trojan in the garden (not that I've ever read anything to indicate that the Trojans were especially good grafters).  Mice have eaten my peas, moles have played havoc with my vegetable seedbeds and I have scarlet blotches from the bites of viciously vindictive red ants on my hands, arms, feet and legs.  Slugs are romping through my hostas and my roses and clematis are smothered in greenfly.  Sodding wildlife.
On the other hand, larks have been singing all day,  six buzzards circled screaming above me for much of the afternoon, a sparrowhawk paid two very swift visits, the swallows are back over the paddock and when I lifted my water bucket I found a Great Crested Newt lurking there, orange belly glowing.
Isn't wildlife great?
Great Crested Newts mean that legally I can't touch any of my ponds and the bats which live somewhere in the building mean that legally I cannot do much in my loft. 
Sodding wildlife


Anonymous said...

Amazing how something so small can have a huge impact :)  Gosh! red ants and much feeling glad I only get the black ones.  Your garden is a wildlife haven Fairy, always a pleasure to see your pictures of it. L.v.Rache

Anonymous said...

Maybe the bats will eat eat the newts. Sorry to have missed your IM. I have read the Road and also Blood Meridian since the trilogy. BTW, your link to me (long appreciated) is now sending your readers to a porn lover's site. I am at

Anonymous said...

Paul said:
BTW, your link to me (long appreciated) is now sending your readers to a porn lover's site

I emailed you about your blog having been hacked a couple of weeks ago but like a div forgot to remove the link from my own blog.  Thanks for the new link  :O)