Monday, 26 May 2008

Poetry......... :O)

I have just been reading Paul Mcs latest blog entries here: Brininess and Volubility  and saw this rhyme:

A funny bird is a pelican,
his mouth can hold more than his bellycan.
He can hold in his beak, enough for a week,
And I don't see how in the hellican.
-- Dixon Lanier Merrit

It reminded me of another rhyme I heard spoken by Miles, the pre-school best friend and daily companion of my eldest daughter and her one-time guest at her  Church playschool Christmas Party.  The children were asked if they knew a song, carol or poem that they'd like to recite to all the Mums and the other party-going poppets.

Miles braved up, stepped into the middle of the floor and proudly piped up with his offering.  It went like this

The cuckoo is a funny bird
It sits upon the grass
With its wings neatly folded
And its beak stuck up its arse.
And when it tries to Cuckoo
It just says twit twit
Cos it's hard to say Cuckoo
With a beak full of shit.

He was 3¾ and he never left another room as fast as I whipped his little arse out of that one.

Later that day after Miles had gone home to tell his brother of his triumph, my daughter told me she was sad because she hadn't had a chance to say her poem because we'd left the party too quickly.  Brilliant, sez I, I didn't even know you had a poem you wanted to say.... tell it to me now poppet.  She went out of the room to make a grand entrance onto the rug 'stage', curtseyed to her audience and said

A boy had a willy 2 foot long
And he showed it to the girl next door.
She thought it was a snake
So she hit it with a rake
So he never showed it her anymore.
When she could stop giggling she said Miles taught me that Mummy. 
Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just the sort of entry to provoke roars of laughter in this house ,on a grim grey rainy day Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Kids love these sort :) and why not kids should always laugh and giggle.  I liked em :) Would blush as red as a cherry but I'd be smiling too lolol Rache