At last, at long long last, after years of wearing my nails down to the quick typing answers to personality test after personality test in hopes of getting some decent feedback I've found the one, the ONE test that's got me to a tee!
Here it is: Tickle: Tests, Matchmaking and Social Networking and below is my result.
The devisers of this test are geniuses!
Altho I have to admit to a sneaky suspicion that taking personality tests is a bit of a giveaway that I'm a bit short on the err....ummm.... personality front. Even so, lookee here!! :O))))
Jane, you're a Chosen One!
You're warm, giving, knowing, and patient. Chances are you're not afraid to actively pursue your goals and dreams. As if all that weren't enough, you pretty much set the standard for emotional health by being filled with positive feelings and energy.
You'd be a great person in an emergency and you always return phone calls. You're no fair-weather friend.
And that's just scratching the surface!
Oh yes, geniuses!
Mind, the 'patient' bit isn't guaranteed :O)
Excellent,I am going to try this for myself Jan xx
rofl...............aye right jane..................;)
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