When in the past I've been extremely unhappy with my life I've made lists of the good things in it and found that it helped me put things into perpective. Now apparently Oprah Winfrey recommends keeping a "grateful journal" in which you "list five things that happened this day that you are grateful for. What it will begin to do is change your perspective of your day and your life. If you can learn to focus on what you have, you will always see that the universe is abundant; you will have more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never have enough."
I think that positive thinking is a useful psychological tool, and so I'm going to do this, every day, until I - and perhaps my Blog - turn from gloomy cynicism towards the cheerily optimistic. Here then is my list for today:
1. The tomatoes still on the vines are reducing in number and soon my culinary labours in that direction will be over for the year.
2. My new washing machine may make scarey noises but I've now done 2 washes and it has neither walked across the floor nor ripped any clothes into shreds.
3, The Shield is on TV tonight.
4. I have a loving and very understanding husband who doesn't ask me to accompany him walking the dog when it's raining.
5. My granddaughter Connie managed to get hold of her reception teacher's 'Good Girl' stamp, and marked her school uniform shirt indelibly with that valediction, smart cookie Connie!
Just call me Pollyanna, and then have a go yourself :O)
Sod it, it's 18.24 and I've just discovered that The Shield ended last Friday! Grrrrr.
1. I got to smoke today
2. I sat in the sun in September
3. Corrie is on the TV
4. You did two entries in your journal
5. I beat you at last in the quiz
Hows that?
1 The AOL outage is over .
2 Its stopped raining .
3 I've only got 22 more alerts to answer
4 I havent had my pudding yet so have that to look forward to ,
5 Found a chemist shop nearer home so didnt have to walk miles up to town to cash Maurices script ,.,.,.,Jan xx
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