Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice attempting to broaden discussion of Iraq by invoking slavery and the American Civil War said: "I'm sure there are people who thought it was a mistake to fight the Civil War to its end and to insist that the emancipation of slaves would hold."
This equating of the widespread and growing disapproval of failing American military and political tactics in Iraq with support for negro slavery in 19C America is certain to be a winning argument for the White House. Not.
Now if you say you think Bush made the wrong decision in invading Iraq, or if you think the whole venture has turned into a bloody screwed up mess, then you're no different from people who think negros should be enslaved to whites.
Love Bush and all his works or be told officially that you're inhuman scum.
Nice whoever said it, but somehow even nicer coming from a black woman who knows how many black Americans oppose the Iraq war. Perhaps she also knows that the overwhelming majority of US troops in Iraq are recruited from the poorest (and Blackest) sections of US society.
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