President Bush today reminded Americans that the United States is a nation at war on the same day his administration proclaimed significant progress in the war on terror but said the enemy has adjusted to US defenses and that "America is safer but we are not yet safe".
Well, blow me down. Americans need reminding. Maybe he ought to mention it more often.
Oh, no. Perhaps not. Mentioning it would bring the number of servicemen and women killed to the forefront of the American mind. It might make them recall where the National Guard were when Katrina struck. It may remind them of the incredible amount of their hard earned taxes being spent every day by the military. It may remind them of his claim that the US had won the war in Iraq. And that before that they'd won the war against the Taliban and Bin Laden.
It may remind them that Bush ignored the fact that the WTC terrorists came from Saudi Arabia. It may remind them that Bin Laden is still out there, still hating America. It may remind them what a mendacious onanist they have for President.
Best keep shtum in future Georgie, then they'll never guess.
where did that wasp sting you??? ;D
Obviously, some do need reminding.
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