Thursday, 21 September 2006

HP kin Sauce.

From time to time I feel impelled to diet, either when my clothes get a bit on the tight side or when one of our ultra skinny-fit daughters comes to stay and spends hours running up and down the local hills and then talks about missing her cross-trainer when she's away from home.  The only other thing that makes me want to be thinner more than it makes me want to eat more chocolate is when I see an unflattering photo of myself - usually standing next to one of said daughters.

Imagine my joy then at seeing this:  Slimming photos with HP digital cameras - HP Digital Photography Center

On the other hand and having given it slightly more than 10 seconds thought of course, the actuality is that I think Hewlett Packard will have to go and lick a dead bear's bum before I buy any of their products again.  Sizist bastards.


Anonymous said...

that'll do me fine......................... off to buy one..............

Anonymous said...

You are funny ,.,.,Jan xx