Saturday, 16 September 2006

Happy days

Can I just say, in public, that cervical smears hurt, that having IUDs inserted or removed hurts, that mammograms performed by evil harridans hurt and that all male medics lie through their teeth and women shouldn't collude with their lies!

I was a bloody well woman before I went to the Clinic!

My other happy news is that I have a stinker of a cold.

Oh, and my washing machine has died a grisly death.

Further, if I see another tomato I shall stomp it.

What's more, I want to know why my daughter thinks it's a better idea for me to cut up extremely decent Egyptian cotton sheets to make Felix some cot sheets than for her to 'traipse down to the shops' in her new people-carrier and just buy some.

Shoot me now.


Anonymous said...

see you are still on top form..............

Anonymous said...

I totally agree about the well woman clinics they are a nightmare.  Its worse than the dentist well almost.  Cut up Egyptian Cotton sheet never.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

The woman clinics ..YES..agree with all of  those ! Sorry about your cold ,I hope you soon feel better ,The sheets ! you didnt ?Daughters !!! lol .,.,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

The sheets ! you didnt ?Daughters

Of course I did.  Mind, this is the very last time they'll ever be in the same room as an iron!