I had a cortisone jab in my left shoulder this morning. I could have typed reams - would my now duff left arm allow - describing in horrid detail the absolutely dire pain which both caused me to have this jab and resulted from submitting to it. I further embarrassed myself by silently sliding off my chair onto the floor in a dead faint, my GP following my downward trend to finish the job as I lay prostrate and semi-conscious in a crumpled heap.
Instead I thought I'd just post a pic of my outdoor lav as a piece of expressive art denoting my feelings of lost dignity. If my shoulder doesn't improve following this torment I may post a pic of the lavatory pan. Fingers crossed that isn't necessary.
It's the best looking out-house I've ever seen. :-)
My Nan had an outdoor lav complete with squatters of spiders and things that crunch under foot........your's looks more 'user friendly' :) hope the shoulder is ok Rache
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