Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Oh the horror, the horror!

Imagine the bladder weakening thrill as, on my own in the house when tidying up before going to bed, I found an elephant hawk moth sitting in my kitchen sink.  A horrifying 2½" across and flesh coloured with a body the size of Felix's thumb it leered up at me and challenged me to hold my ground without whimpering.  I lost and snuck off to bed leaving it lurking there.

Of course I couldn't get it out of my mind and eventually went back downstairs and, without putting the overhead lights on, I managed to drop a teatowel over it and gently roll it inside.  I unlocked the courtyard door and in my nightie in the rain opened out the teatowel on the table.  The moth scowled up at me and refused to move so I shook the teatowel.  It lurched with (I swear) an audible thud onto the table top and then horridly fluttered down to the bench seat where, like a ginger flash, my cat Dennis leapt on it and finished it off with one crunch.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A couple of years ago when we had nice weather and the windows were open this massive thing appeared on the inside of the kitchen window...I presumed it was a moth because it wasn't brightly coloured like a butterfly...Well i took one look and almost screamed lol...I did manage to open the window wide and even shook it up and down but the moth gripped on tight and wouldn't budge...So i decided to shut the kitchen door (it's always wide open) and leave it to naff off...About an hour later i peered through the door and saw the moth finally decide it would be better outside in the air...Can't have been the same kind as mine was really dark in colour but it was just as huge...Never seen one again :o)