Tuesday, 3 June 2008


Do you always walk when you could drive?  Do you use a hairdryer instead of letting your hair dry naturally?  Do you not have a hybrid car?  Are you still buying the occasional pineapple or maybe black peppercorn?

Shame on you!  In fact, shame on you for using electricity to be online and read this.

You, yes YOU are morally as evil as Josef Fritzl.  You sit there possibly wearing shoes made from the skins of cattle which eat corn that starving people could eat - and don't think that limiting yourself to sandals exculpates you even if Jesus did wear them too.

Everything you do which is not part of the conscious fight against global warming damages children to the same extent as Fritzl did.  Oh yes it does.  The Bishop of Stafford has made it all quite explicit.  Eat a burger or keep your milk in a refrigerator and you, sunshine, are one of The Damned.

Get on your knees right now and switch your PC off. 

Global warming inertia 'as bad' as Josef Fritzl, says Bishop of Stafford - Telegraph


Anonymous said...

Whooops sorry ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I wonder what this Bishop is doing himself and within his church to combat global warming then...Thing is our planet has always gone through massive climate changes over the millenia...Ok we human beings in this day and age aren't helping but other planets within our solar system are changing too so it can't all be because of us...Mind you i hardly ever use a hairdryer so i must be good <g>

Anonymous said...

Its all down to sex, and natures needs to procreate, leading to too many mouths to feed, and lifestyles to support.  Nature has overdone the drive and  the natural ballance lost.

Cut the worlds population to a quarter  or less of its present numbers, maintain them at that, and most of the problems you mention will disappear.

We have lost our ballance with nature.