Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Beauty and the Beasts

Today I'm sure we've all heard the tragic reports about the father who put a hoax bomb in his estranged wife's home with a note saying that she would hear about him in the newspapers, who then took his two little children for a drive, parked on a lonely Welsh lane, attached tubing to his exhaust and murdered his tots. 

This follows two fairly recent cases in Scotland of fathers murdering their little children, plus the man who murdered his little lad by tossing him from a holiday balcony before jumping off himself while carrying his toddler daughter, and, I think worst of the lot, the father who drove a car containing his children into the sea and then phoned their mother so that she could hear them screaming as they were drowned.

I can't be the only woman who wonders what is going wrong with modern men - and who wonders why people are surprised that so many women now are choosing to have children without fathers.

I wonder whether tho it isn't something wrong with men per se (tho it could be) but that these particular men don't actually regard their children as human but merely as objects which their wives, whom they have come to hate, actually love more than they now love their former husband.  They tried to get custody of the children and when they failed they simply killed them.

They murdered their children, all of these men, as a way of punishing their wives for not wanting to continue being married to them.  It's the same impulse that can make some people kick a pet dog or cat.  If only they would think before they murder their nippers that someone willing to murder small children as revenge isn't a suitable husband or father at all.  Someone who would even contemplate such evil horror is barely human.

I think it's a great pity that this latest man died with the children he murdered because now he cannot be made to suffer torments for the rest of his life. 

On a much lighter note, yesterday evening I went to Colemere to see the orchids. 

There are literally acres of orchids and yellow rattle, the most I have seen anywhere in the world and they're all right on my doorstep to see for free.  Fabulous, aren't they?



Anonymous said...

These men ,it is beyond comprehention ,The pictures of the orchids are beautiful ,...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely display Fairy.....would make a lovely painting. Rache

Anonymous said...

I can give numerous examples of women murdering their children as well.  You make it seem like a men only thing.

Anonymous said...

I can't be the only woman who wonders what is going wrong with modern men - and who wonders why people are surprised that so many women now are choosing to have children without fathers.

The answers simple.  Modern women.  and for both reasons.
Do you seek to find an explanation or is it just easier to condemn, for explanation there must be for so many similar actions.
One could ask what it is that drives men to do it, for to kill ones children is against nature,and to kill oneself is deemed to be the actions of a person of unsound mind. So what turns the mind to perform such an irrational  and cruel act? The men  must also also see themselves as victims.

I suggest the reason is a loss of personal  identity, security, place in the world, a sense of belonging, and expectations of a future. There has to be an explanation for the similarites of action,and instead of just seeking to condemn we should try to understand , for it will only be because of understanding, and anticipating possible future events that future similar acts may be prevented.

To condemn is a lot easier and much more satisfying  than trying to understand I suppose.