Wednesday, 16 April 2008


I've just returned from a long weekend away - can you guess where?

Here's another clue

Yes, sunny Devon.  We drove for 5½ hours to get there through Shropshire snow and sleet and found a blue-skyed Shangri La smothered in primroses and bluebells and clotted cream teas.  My sister in law has cannas in her garden 12" high already.  Mine are blighted soggy stumps that I doubt will ever rise again. 




Anonymous said...

I've never been to Devon...Never been to the west country unless you count a hotel near Bristol...It looks gorgous in those pics...I'd love to down that way to try surfing again but am afraid surfing is now way beyond my decrepit old body

Anonymous said...

For a thatched roof it has to be Devon.  I know Devon fairly envious :) I'd have loved to have been in your suitcase.  Welcome back. L.v.Rache

Anonymous said...

well we are back from sunny bolton le sands and saw a huge difference - some of trees have blossom and hedges are out unlike here..............