Well I think I must be picking up a bit because today I've had enough energy not just for a rant, but also a rave. I'm living proof that my mother was right when she used to tell me that washing my hair and cutting my fringe out of my eyes would make me feel a lot better.
In my hamlet there's a garden which was adorned by a small collection of the most wonderful mature Poplar trees. Throughout the year the sound of the breeze rustling through the leaves was as if we all lived on the edge of a shingle beach where wavelets constantly fell with a sigh or a roar. I could open my windows at night and hear their gentle susurrations lulling me to sleep. In Spring the opening of the big fat pink bud cases was a joy and later the fluffy seedheads lined the lanes for a week or so like duckdown trimmings. In Summer the Poplars were like green sentinels overlooking the crossroad at the bottom of my paddock but in Autumn, well, in Autumn they were a honey coloured glory visible for miles around like golden obelisks pointing to heaven.
Yesterday the Philistine wanker who lives there had them cut down to stumps. So go on, guess what this house is called.
Yup - The Fuck Ugly Stump House Owned by a First Class Fuckwit formerly known as The Poplars.
My rave is for a cd which I ordered from the USA after reading a review by a blogger whose good taste I admire. Have a look at http://singlemanwriting.blogspot.com/2008/02/two-things-to-like-about-texas.html
I was inclined to think that any son of the great modern American writer Larry McMurtry would know how to write lyrics and Paul Mcs recommendation was good enough to spend a few quid on. Today I listened to James McMurtry's award winning CD 'Childish Things' and after one hearing I'm an absolute fan. It's rare in these times to find songwriters who can really make you feel something with their words but James McMurtry can. Great lyrics, fantastic driving rhythms and what a voice. Honest, I'd give him one right this minute and as you know, I'm still a bit poorly. :O))

aaaaaaaaaaaaargh that ought to be a criminal offence!
Our caravan site has poplars one of the reasons we chose it!
oh noooooooo that man is a tree killer!!! get him! get him!!!!
Did you not have a clue that fuckster was going to hew the poplars?
Usually tree preservation peeps buzz in lively at tree vandalism.
Well maybe as they have not been uprooted the stumps may leaf and twig and thwart the bastard yet. or Nitomores splashed over and often enough on his no doubt pride and joy car is a healthy rageriddance past-time..
Secret of doing it safetly Drive by with nitromores in tin foil pellets and catapault at the fucksters pride n joy
I must say I am surprised you did not run over at the start up of the chain saw and make known your chagrine.....followed by a left hook
I did save an avenue of Lime trees for awhile, once in a place of my then dwell
fuckster peeps nagging of the sticky aphids floating on their cars when out of their garages
I traversed it a few years later..Yeah the once lovely avenue nude and shiny cars..Peeps just had no bottle...besides we know how the car always comes first before nature
This lyricist he aint a phony like the Leonard Cohen geezer is he?
Lilpooh said:
I must say I am surprised you did not run over at the start up of the chain saw and make known your chagrine.....followed by a left hook
Normally I would have done anything possible to save those trees, even if I ended up being known as the local swampy, but y'know, I was a bit poorly. Too poorly to do anything but lay palely trembling on the sofa. :O(
Oh I did not know you were feeling poorly. ya coulda limped or hobbled over to the tree killer
I accept ya mitigation tho..
which insure web page? My premiums are horrendous...The cheek of these insure companies charging for a non existent if it happens loan on the estimate of their valuation of home and contents.....APRIL always brings these bills I am also charged something like 12% for obliging them with a direct debit....
I want to change this load of fucksters before the renewal
You have been shopping so you are better so no need to say get well soon is there?
It's about time someone finally recognized my genius ;)
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