Friday, 4 April 2008

Off colour

I've been feeling a bit poorly lately, the sort of poorliness that can only be described as 'a bit poorly'.  I've nothing to show for it, no headache, no womit, no squits, just a bit of shakiness and a generalised feeling that I'm a bit poorly.  I'm all 'Pathos-R-I'.
The trouble with being a bit poorly is that it resembles nothing so much as an excuse for doing sfa but sit on the sofa palely shaking while someone else does the graft.  So I feel an idle sham, but an idle sham who feels a bit poorly, so now I'm a bit poorly and slightly resentful.  It's not a good look, but it does go with the lank hair and unmadeup fizzog. 
I know it sounds masochistic but just once I'd quite like a broken limb.  Something I could thrust into people's faces and elicit instant sympathy 'Look John Look.  Look at Jane.  Jane really is a bit poorly'. 
I'd like the sort of poorliness that makes people in the street ask if I'm feeling okay, would I like a chair, shall they call me a taxi (or tacsi for Welsh speakers).  Mind, given my age that's bound to happen within the next fortnight.  Osteoporosis isn't warded off by Clairol.


Anonymous said...

Jane i'd have prefered i'd broken my collar bone rather than just give it a good bashing and knocking about as the physio put it...I feel like a bit of a sham because nowt is visible and am sure plenty think am putting it on...Anyways men can always find a reason to feel poorly and make out like they are at deaths door...Tell him you have man flu <g>

Anonymous said...

i break bones for free - want a house call?

or get a walking stick............when I have to use one as I do sometimes it makes all the difference.

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling - there's something a bit heroic about being visibly injured; arm in plaster, that sort of thing.  We live with `my cold'.  When I tell him that it's catarrh, he doesn't seem to hear.

Anonymous said...

Awwww you poor mite! xxx Will that do?