Saturday, 5 January 2008

New Year

I made a couple of new year resolutions - 1] to get on and actually do stuff I want to do regardless of any lack of enthusiasm from my other half and 2] to lose weight <again>.
In pursuit of the first I decided to sort out some new storage for clothing and had a look at the Sharps Bedrooms website.  I cannot begin to tell you how utterly mind-numbingly tedious I find this stuff.  A chap came to measure up, show samples, work out prices etc.  After 2½ hours he said that for the main bedroom alone, after their 50% off sale offer, and with the £100 off voucher from their website the cost would be £3500.  Now I dunno about you but that seems a ludicrous amount to pay for fairly average looking flipping fitted wardrobes. 
Nevertheless I ended up ordering a much smaller version for the en suite mostly because they do all the work and can do it within 4 weeks and guarantee it won't fall down for 5 years which is approximately 4 years and 6 months better than the hub and I have ever done with flatpack.
I've also decided to go, by myself, on a holiday to learn to scuba dive.  My hub can barely swim and has never even liked playing in waves so unless I do it alone I won't do it at all and I'm not going to put up with missing out any longer.  I may also take myself off on a <medium> long distance walk altho I'm quite anxious about doing that alone in case of accident or threat.  It remains to be seen whether I can summon up the bottle.
The weight loss programme will begin when the last of the brandy butter has gone <g>
BTW My hub had his 2nd cataract operation on Wednesday and today drove without spectacles for the first time ever.
Felix having a good time on Christmas morning <gg>
Felix and his cousin Imogen - sometimes it takes more than trifle to keep them happy.


Anonymous said...

great news about cataract operation..............
Sharps sound like rogues? Wouldn't a local joiner have been better?
See this walk ------------- go south don't head this way ;)

Anonymous said...

I love the pic of Felix in amongst all the wrapping paper :o) I adore swimming and i adore the water...That could be in part to growing up beside the sea although only me and my brother utterly loved the water...Mind you am as happy in a pool as in the sea...I can dive properly and even did some fancy diving as a kid...I learnt to water ski at a young age but dunno if i could do it now...I have sailed but didn't like it as much probably as i wasn't actually IN the water...I have surfed and wind surfed...And i have also canoed...There are 2 water based things i would love to try...White water rafting and scuba diving...I've not done rowing but i reckon i would find it as boring as sailing LOL...Scuba diving i just can't afford to do :o(  So good luck with trying it out and go for it :o) Glad hubs operation went well :o)

Anonymous said...

It appears that Felix is due for his first haircut.  :-)

Anonymous said...

awwww they're cute...can't help but smile.  Smiling at new year resolutions, I've never been able to keep one yet, I hope you do. Rache