Sunday, 8 October 2006

Thank your Mum right now, you ingrate


What, out of all the unselfish things human beings do during their lifetime brings the most fulfilment?  What from their life’s labours long outlasts them?   What work can an individual do to bring most benefit to their country


I’ll tell you the answer; it’s your children, my children, the country’s children.


No children means no families.  No children means no future for the country.  No children means no cultural transmission.

Children are not only members of society in their own right as full British citizens; they are also the society which will continue after we’re gone, and the replicators of all future society.


Why then do so many appear to want mothers, who literally give life to the country, to do it all without any practical acknowledgement or recognition of the challenges that producing and raising future citizens involves? 


People complain about maternity leave, child benefits, mothers who continue to work in paid employment and mothers who don’t, parents who smack and those who spare the rod, parents who shower their children with material goods and those who don’t have the wherewithal to do the same.  People complain about the presence of children in supermarkets, on public transport, in restaurants, in shops, in pubs, on the street and in the workplace.  Mothers get condemned for driving children to school and for working reduced hours to fit in with school times.  They get criticised for restricting children’s freedom to play and for allowing play in public places.  Parents are condemned for assisting their children with schoolwork and for not helping them with literacy and  numeracy, for pushing them to achieve and for neglecting them by not having high expectations.


Is it any cause for surprise that fewer and fewer Western women are prepared to put their own lives on hold – and also suffer a negative effect to their future employment opportunities and pension entitlement – when at every turn they are criticised and denigrated for it?


Do we not all want our society, our culture to continue?  Do we not want to influence the way that children experience life with us?

Should we expect, when we tell parents to raise their children without any assistance, that we can also tell them precisely how they must do it?

Feed your children, house them, clothe them, educate them, discipline them, entertain them, develop them how we say you must, but don’t ask for any recognition of the problems that might present and definitely don’t expect any help.


British birth rates currently are insufficient to replace the people already here.  More than 3 in 10 couples choose not to have children at all, and those who do are having less than two.  The future of our culture is diminishing as fast as the number of potential pension, NHS, defence funding taxpayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just found this.
By gum but I agree with you.