Wednesday, 16 August 2006

Stream of consciousness ramble

It seems to me that terrorist attacks, once they get to the stage of putting their plans into operation are virtually unstoppable because the range of potential suspects is limitless and indistinguishable from the general population. 
Once terrorists get to the stage where they're physically present and in position to attack, who is in a better position to observe them than the people on the same bus, or tube, or in the same Check In queue? 
Who stopped one of those WTC planes - US security and Intelligence experts or other ordinary everyday travellers?  We already know who the real heroes of 9/11 were, don't we?
Why does the Blair govt not treat the British people as adults rather than as a somewhat dim and totally vulnerable target for attacks which they as 'ordinary Brits' can themselves do nothing whatsoever about?
This latest lot of suspects, I honestly believe we'll eventually hear, were plotting and conspiring to bomb aeroplanes rather than actually there lurking around Heathrow trying to get on a plane. 
I've certainly heard nothing to indicate that any airport arrests were made, as far as I know they were all snatched up by the police in their own homes and towns. What sense then, once the suspects were collared, in frisking little French exchange  schoolgirls and making a reported 10,000 British families lose their annual holiday? 
I must admit this particularly galls me in light of Blair's flight taken a few hours before shutdown when he knew in advance exactly what was going to happen to less privileged families in British airports.
One terrorist a couple or so years ago was actually discovered trying to board an aeroplane, but do we now have to remove ourshoes for checking at Check In?  Nope.  So I wonder, given that he actually was a terrorist rather than merely a suspected terrorist, why has New Labour not insisted on shoe X rays?  Do they have special insight and know that no other terrorist will try the same tactic?  No they don't. 
Are tube travellers subjected to limits on what they can carry onto the Tube?  Are Bus passengers?  Nope.
As Bush so memorably tried to say, terrorists are innovative.  They don't repeat flawed tactics. So why are the Govt acting as if this latest type of attempted attack is going to be repeated when shoe bombing, tube bombing, bus bombing are apparently thought to be a one-offs?
And if the Govt is convinced that liquids and/or gel are going to be a recurrent threat, then isn't it time that they stopped thinking only in terms of bottles and tubes?  Heels, belt buckles, substantial earrings, bulky 'stone'finger rings, capsules up noses, inside ears.... other places.....   Where is the intelligence???
And why are they spending so much time buggering our lives up to demonstrate that they're on top of something that didn't happen instead of busying themselves in the communities far away from Heathrow and securing those would-be terrorists who are doubtless even now as you read this hatching new and novel plots?


Anonymous said...

Some very valid observations made here ,and alot of common sense suggestions ,common sense and intuition are obsolete ......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Ah Jane a woman after my own heart.