My day:
Wake late, realise I have toothache following Friday's visit to dental hygienist - aka Bloody Mary
Listen to Husband's complaints that his plectrums have disappeared, how he knows they're inexpensive but he likes them 'worn in' and now he's got to use a new one. Boo hoo.
Face demand that I finish his crossword which already has alterations and which he did in ink. Discover that he got 2 clues wrong in ink. Correct them, finish the crossword, am told that once corrections had been made the rest of the answers were obvious.
Barrow approx ¼ ton of topsoil to new herbacious bed and rake. Rake the soil shifted by husband. Pick up and dump all pieces of rubbish and glass discovered when digging the subsoil. Cut hand in process. Discover plasters all gone.
Make lunch, discover less pie in fridge than last time I looked. Give husband pie and salad. Make myself a banana sandwich.
Put chicken in casserole in oven for dinner.
Dismantle compost bin, turn compost. Catch edge of toe with garden fork. Still no plasters. Husband manages to drape rotting plant material on my head.
Remove chicken from oven. Don rubber gloves and dismantle chicken. Put little bits of decent meat into bowl for later chicken and mushroom pie. Put nasty boneless scraps into bowl for dog. Husband gives good meat to dog and nasty scraps in fridge.
Seriously consider composting husband :O))
Oh lovely something I can understand ,or second thoughts maybe not, mens logic ,sorry about your tooth ache ,though ,and you see you ended up, moving some of that muck after all he he he ............Jan xx
brill - drama queen!
Lolol....nah!! he'd come up smelling of roses. You've had one hell of a day Fairy. Rache
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