Ordinary individuals can offer no solutions to macro problems such as the way our sham of a democracy has led to what in practical terms- and whoever you vote for -is a ruling oligarchy. They are beyond our power to change, whether from without or within. Those who have genuinely gone into Party politics with the intention of changing policy direction have either been seduced into collaboration or have left in despair.
What we can do however is refuse to support this system and cease colluding with the sham. If we give our support to a political party and help them gain power, then we are by default party to all that they do - and all that they don't do.
More and more people are coming to realise that their vote means nothing. No matter who you vote for you get the same. With or without your vote they will continue to rule. But when enough people stop going along with the voting scam then at the very least none of them will be able to pretend that they have a mandate.
When you can save nothing else, then make sure you save your own integrity.
Jane ,that is a very good point ..........Jan xx
Proportinoal representation doesn't half help though.
Everything we do in Scotland now is done that way and it does make your vote count.
Proportinoal representation doesn't half help though.
Everything we do in Scotland now is done that way and it does make your vote count.....
So that more than makes up for anything the British government does. If you say so <g>
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