Friday, 16 June 2006

Boy but its hot

Boy but it's hot today.  The ponies went into shade at 10.30am and haven't left it yet.  I bet my pregnant and overdue daughter wouldn't mind a few hours somnolent rest in the cool green shade either. 



Anonymous said...

How uncomfortable she must be this weather ,lovely pictures of the ponys .......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

fabulous photo Jane.
Not hot here today...........

Anonymous said...

LOvely picture today, lovely and cool up here in Perthshire.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

They aint daft are they.......maybe they could shove over and let you in there.  Daughter must be wilting in this heat.  Lovely picture to see. Rache

Anonymous said...

What do you consider as hot??  It has already reached over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in Texas.  I recall when I was stationed in Germany, and one day it reached 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and the Germans were compalining how hot it was.  It felt comfortable to me.

Anonymous said...

What do you consider as hot?? .........

When I have almost an hour of strawberry picking to do every day, anything over 80 is hot, but on June 16th it was over 90F.  Put me in the shade of a pear tree and I can take 100+.

I was in Athens the year that over 1000 people there died from the heat and that finished me for sunbathing for the rest of my life.

Anonymous said...

I've heard on the History Channel a few weeks back that Western Europe hasn't been this warm since the 14th Century.