Thursday, 8 June 2006

1st rate bug, 2nd rate pic

Some people are perfectionists.  They'll go all out to acquire or perfect a new skill, studying manuals and 'how to' books until the dawn light breaks, and then they'll practise and practise again until they are expert.

I'm not like that.  My life has been spent saying 'oh, that's good enough, it'll do' 

I'm a good enough gardener, good enough cook, good enough fiddle player, good enough at virtually everything - but of course my 'good enoughs' are at a level set by me - for many people my peformance would be what real experts would call a barely passable botch job.

I've always kept a hope in the back of my mind that one wonderful day I'll discover something at which I'm 'naturally' talented, thus achieving an enviable expert status without actually having to put in any graft.  It hasn't happened yet altho if I say so myself, my Margot Leadbetter impersonation does come naturally and has incredible powers of embarrassment if my children are within earshot.

Anyway, all that preamble is by way of an explanation of why you cannot in this photograph see the incredible Italian Skies blue of this Darter dragonfly's body, nor the iridescent shimmer of its diaphanous wings.  I really must read that digicam manual sometime.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice photo anyway ;)))