Sunday, 29 June 2008
More madness
Friday, 27 June 2008
Royal choppers in the trough
Glasgow Daily Record - 2 hours ago
THE public spent £22000 on sending the Queen to the races by helicopter, figures have revealed.
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Ban this ban that, what's the world coming to????
Sunday, 22 June 2008
The garden here is a scene of widespread devastation. Whole large flowering plants broken off at base, climbing Rambling Rector roses wrenched from their supports - including from 20' up in the old pear tree, even rhubarb stalks snapped in half, but worst of all, 6 years growth of Virginia Creeper torn from the walls of the house and crashed onto my Brown Turkey fig tree. The winds have been utterly ferocious and it looks as if a hurricane has passed through. I've just spent 30 minutes out there getting buffeted by tail winds while trying to clear the pond of what turned out to be a 10 gallon drum full of leaves and gathering ceramic pots, plants, ground cover matting and overturned wheelbarrows and I've come back inside full of gloom. It's amazing that the polytunnel is still standing and no damage has been done to the house or cottage. I'm telling myself it could have been worse but.......... :O(((((((((
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Beauty and the Beasts
Today I'm sure we've all heard the tragic reports about the father who put a hoax bomb in his estranged wife's home with a note saying that she would hear about him in the newspapers, who then took his two little children for a drive, parked on a lonely Welsh lane, attached tubing to his exhaust and murdered his tots.
This follows two fairly recent cases in Scotland of fathers murdering their little children, plus the man who murdered his little lad by tossing him from a holiday balcony before jumping off himself while carrying his toddler daughter, and, I think worst of the lot, the father who drove a car containing his children into the sea and then phoned their mother so that she could hear them screaming as they were drowned.
I can't be the only woman who wonders what is going wrong with modern men - and who wonders why people are surprised that so many women now are choosing to have children without fathers.
I wonder whether tho it isn't something wrong with men per se (tho it could be) but that these particular men don't actually regard their children as human but merely as objects which their wives, whom they have come to hate, actually love more than they now love their former husband. They tried to get custody of the children and when they failed they simply killed them.
They murdered their children, all of these men, as a way of punishing their wives for not wanting to continue being married to them. It's the same impulse that can make some people kick a pet dog or cat. If only they would think before they murder their nippers that someone willing to murder small children as revenge isn't a suitable husband or father at all. Someone who would even contemplate such evil horror is barely human.
I think it's a great pity that this latest man died with the children he murdered because now he cannot be made to suffer torments for the rest of his life.
On a much lighter note, yesterday evening I went to Colemere to see the orchids.
There are literally acres of orchids and yellow rattle, the most I have seen anywhere in the world and they're all right on my doorstep to see for free. Fabulous, aren't they?
Monday, 9 June 2008
It's a hard hard life
I love the garden at this time of year when there are plenty of flowers and yet still lots of favourites to come, and some yet in the polytunnel waiting to be bedded out. It's a busy time but I'm not the sort of person who can just sit and look for very long without seeing a weed needing a tug or something needing an extra stake. The one exception is first thing in the morning when I sit near our rough ponds and watch the dragonflies prising themselves out of their ugly adolescent carapaces, reminiscent of a Hammer Horror film, to rest and dry their wings in the early sunshine until fully pumped up they can fly away. Here's where I sit every day from about 6am until 7am when I fetch the lead and get the dog out in the lanes.
When it gets too hot to do anything but read then I take my chair into the dappled shade under the old apple tree and spend a couple of hours wafting away money spiders which drop from the branches and watching the birds in the pear tree nest boxes.
Then at the end of the day, I sit at my dining room patio waiting for my hair to dry and sipping something cold while I watch the swallows flycatching over the paddock and listen to the swifts screaming overhead.
My fingers are permanently stained, my nails are ragged and my sandalled feet don't bear description but all in all a summer spent gardening takes a lot of beating.
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Equal under the law?
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Do you always walk when you could drive? Do you use a hairdryer instead of letting your hair dry naturally? Do you not have a hybrid car? Are you still buying the occasional pineapple or maybe black peppercorn?
Shame on you! In fact, shame on you for using electricity to be online and read this.
You, yes YOU are morally as evil as Josef Fritzl. You sit there possibly wearing shoes made from the skins of cattle which eat corn that starving people could eat - and don't think that limiting yourself to sandals exculpates you even if Jesus did wear them too.
Everything you do which is not part of the conscious fight against global warming damages children to the same extent as Fritzl did. Oh yes it does. The Bishop of Stafford has made it all quite explicit. Eat a burger or keep your milk in a refrigerator and you, sunshine, are one of The Damned.
Get on your knees right now and switch your PC off.
Global warming inertia 'as bad' as Josef Fritzl, says Bishop of Stafford - Telegraph