Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Thursday, 21 June 2007

yes yes yes yes YESSSSSSS :O)

I fell down the stairs this morning, but I'm still jumping for joy this afternoon.  Good news for me today - my biopsy result was clear of anything worrying. 

     Way Too Happy                 Way Too Happy                   Way Too Happy                       Way Too Happy                Way Too Happy   

My consultant yet again shoved his horrid nasty camera thing up my nose and down my throat to have a looksee, lucky man, and he tells me that tho my incision has healed well I have severe laryngitis.  This is in addition to the bronchitis my GP diagnosed last week and which is still with me, the antibiotics having done little but given me the usual female side-effects.  Bronchitis, laryngitis and thrush - but all of those are temporary and I'm not actually ill, which is a fantastic relief.


I do tho still have a problem with speaking and am to have speech therapy to help recover some strength in my voice.  This too will necessitate not only having the camera thing shoved up my nose repeatedly, but I'll have to watch the resultant movie on screen and speak - while it's still there!!!! - so as to learn how to manage my vocal chords again.


Ah well, mustn't whinge too much today after my good news.    Bounce



Wednesday, 20 June 2007

6.5% Current Account!

The current account war is now white hot.   Alliance & Leicester's* added to its market leading one year 0% overdraft (it's still cheapest after a year too) by now paying the highest in-credit interest at 6.5%.   This is the absolute best interest rate offered anywhere by any bank or building society in the UK.

Plus its 'refer a friend' offer's been improved to £40, so for every pal you recommended you get £40 and so do they.

Info courtesy of MoneyExpert.com - if you aren't yet signed up for their weekly email then go sign right now!

Planning to smack the plastic soon?

If so, then don't spend a penny until you've got your new Capital One Platinum Cashback Card. 

4%, yep 4% cash back on every £1 you spend for the first 3 months, so, if you're planning to buy something major, put it on your Capital One Platinum - in fact put every penny you spend on the card to get the maximum return - food, clothing, petrol, utility payments, put it all on plastic instead of using your debit card or cash.

After 3 months the cashback drops to a still market leading 1%.  Do this right and you can make (ie save) £100s a year.  First set up a Direct Debit to pay it off in full each month, so there's no interest charged; then use it for all spending.

Go on, give it a go and for once get something back from a credit card company!

Capital One Platinum card - for applicants with an excellent credit history and a balance to transfer


Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Titchmarsh huh.

Far be it from me to show off, but we've been eating strawberries from the garden for pudding for the past 10 days and have a further 7lb already in the deep freeze for summer pudding in the winter - and yesterday I cut my very first cucumber and red pepper!  All from plants I propagated myself <bows>

Goodness knows why tho because I can't stand cucumber!

I'm seeing the consultant to hear the biopsy result from my recent vocal chord surgery next Thursday.  Hopefully the time it's taken means everything's hunkydory.


Friday, 8 June 2007

Gentleman of the road.

On Tuesday evening while walking the dog we came across an old green lane, never tarmaced and with no tractor ruts and so we took an inquisitive detour along it.  For the first mile or so it was normally wide for green lanes, but then diminished to little more than a cart track altho footing remained solid and even.  We passed parcels of ancient broadleaf woodland and several hidden ponds among the fields alongside the lane and the huge trees edging the roadway were all very old coppice.  Rabbits scuttling everywhere and a wide range of birdsong and hedgrow flowers made it a very 'Disney' experience. 
Then as we rounded a bend we saw in the distance what looked like a blue tarpaulin covering something butted up against the hedgerow and getting nearer we could see a heat haze and wisps of smoke rising up.  It was a bender, made from branches bent over and covered to provide a shelter - a sort of homemade tent, with a small fire in front of the opening.  There sat a much bewhiskered old fashioned tramp-by-choice having a cup of tea and reading a book. 
My dog ran over to him and as so often with dogs and strangers, she broke the ice and we exchanged a few words.  This tramp told us he'd lived in the lane all last summer and planned to stay all this summer too.  We were the first people he'd seen on the path.  He said he spent his days walking in quiet places and watching wildlife, reading and thinking and was absolutely content with his chosen life.  He ate very little, cheap tinned fish, a baked potato from his fire, the occasional rabbit and wanted for nothing more.
He's the first real tramp of the old fashioned sort that I've seen for many a long year, altho when I was a child most people seemed to know at least one.  I wish now that I'd asked him why he thinks that is.

Friday, 1 June 2007

Whispered threats cut no ice, apparently.

For the past few days I've had Grace staying with me over half-term.  She's loved the fact that I can't raise my voice and has made the most of it, disappearing into the garden at key times, such as when I've wanted her to help with some little task, or when bedtime is looming.  Then she's been laughing at me around corners while I've been at the bottom of the rope ladder to the (empty) treehouse, telling her as sternly as possible given that I've had to be all sotto voce that it's well past time for her bath.  At one point she repeated what I tell her when she says some cheek under her breath and she brazenly told me that people who mutter aren't saying anything worth hearing.  I don't know where she gets her propensity for sarcasm from but I'm not looking forward to her adolescence.