Thursday, 24 May 2007
Silenced at last, a husband's dream come true.
Monday, 14 May 2007
Weeding my worries away, somewhat <g>
I've been outside working hard, trying to calm down and get rid of my angst about this hospital thing and thought I'd share a few more garden pics with you.
I hope you like them. I usually find that being busy, especially outside, helps me towards gaining a little balance. This bed above is mainly a grass garden altho it doesn't look much like it at the moment. I made this bed 4 years ago on the site of a former cowshed and it's where I've put my new cannas which will look great I hope once they come into bloom among the tall grasses.
Altho it's not visible in this pic of the ceanothus 'Blue Skies', one of those bay windows is crazy paved since the petrol strimmer caught a stone thrown up by a blasted mole. The man's coming to fix it on Wednesday, unless it rains again like on the last time he came. I hope he's more successful than the ruddy useless molecatcher man.
White lilacs are my fave and this is a highly scented double. I once was asked by a passing stranger if I would cut some so that they could be incorporated into a wedding bouquet for the next day. They dropped in a pic of the bouquet a few weeks later. It looked fab.
Altho the deep purple isn't to be sneezed at either.
I have two laburnum, one each side of our lane gate. They get bashed by binmen and agricultural machinery who pull into our gateway to squeeze past other traffic but every year they come up smiling. Much under-rated trees imo. The whole of the lawn (and pond) beneath these blossom trees looks as if there's been a wedding with blossom littering the ground after last evenings high winds.
The absolute last of my tulips, almost gone over but still beautiful.
Tags: Garden
A raging whimper :O(
Tags: Vocal chord surgery
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Ball breaking bitch <g>
Tags: Dog
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Men, pah!
Tags: Men!
Sunday, 6 May 2007
Slightly rattled :O)
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A blogging buddy has expatiated on the failings of the parents of the child abducted in Portugal:
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Tags: Garden